Meet the Board
This issue, meet Board of Trustees member Charlie Lutz

Charles D. “Charlie” Lutz III is never at a loss for words when it comes to the University of the Incarnate Word. “It’s just different here at UIW,” he explains. “It’s not like other schools. When I walk across campus, the students usually greet me before I have a chance to greet them. It seems that they genuinely enjoy being here … and I do, too.”
Lutz is a principal with The Intercontinental Companies, a locally-based investment management firm, and he refers to his work as an encore career that he enjoys tremendously. Prior to this, he spent 35 years in the banking industry, the last five as president and CEO of Bank One’s Central and South Texas Region. At UIW, Lutz is co-chair of the capital campaign, which is well on its way to meeting its $90 million dollar goal. He also serves as vice chair of the Board of Trustees and is a member of its finance committee.
Lutz says the university has many strengths, but the one he particularly values is the relevance of its degree programs. And who would understand this more than the father of a UIW graduate? Lutz, whose mother-in-law also graduated from UIW, says that without a doubt, the University of the Incarnate Word’s MBA program prepared his son well for a three-year career assignment overseas.
“In marketing materials, we refer to UIW reflecting the face of Texas today and tomorrow. Many of our students are the first in their families to earn college degrees, and they graduate well-prepared for meaningful and financially rewarding careers. Just as important as the degree programs is the fact that UIW is so accommodating to anyone who wants to get an education. UIW truly facilitates study for people in differing life circumstances.”
Lutz attributes UIW’s ongoing success to president Dr. Louis Agnese who is a “remarkably effective administrator.” He adds that the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word exert a powerful and positive influence over all that the university seeks to accomplish. “Their presence on the board significantly strengthens the decisions that are made and infuses an ongoing awareness of the university’s Mission. “
Lutz is a native of Amarillo. He received his undergraduate degree from Trinity University and is a graduate of the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking at Southern Methodist University. He is active on many boards, including the United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, Goodwill Industries, Special Olympics Texas and the World Affairs Council of San Antonio. He and his wife, Holly, have two sons, a daughter and three grandchildren.