Honor Roll of Donors
The Honor Roll is one way the University of the Incarnate Word says thank you for the outpouring of generosity from loyal alumni, parents and friends throughout the year. The list shows donors whose gifts were recorded between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008. Click on your class year below to see who gave.
1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 |
1931 | 1941 | 1951 | 1961 | 1971 | 1981 | 1991 | 2001 |
1932 | 1942 | 1952 | 1962 | 1972 | 1982 | 1992 | 2002 |
1933 | 1943 | 1953 | 1963 | 1973 | 1983 | 1993 | 2003 |
1934 | 1944 | 1954 | 1964 | 1974 | 1984 | 1994 | 2004 |
1935 | 1945 | 1955 | 1965 | 1975 | 1985 | 1995 | 2005 |
1936 | 1946 | 1956 | 1966 | 1976 | 1986 | 1996 | 2006 |
1937 | 1947 | 1957 | 1967 | 1977 | 1987 | 1997 | 2007 |
1938 | 1948 | 1958 | 1968 | 1978 | 1988 | 1998 | 2008 |
1939 | 1949 | 1959 | 1969 | 1979 | 1989 | 1999 |