1920's, 1930's & 1940's
Emeline Judson Synodis, BA '27, returned to her native San
Antonio from New York and now is a resident in the Incarnate Word
Retirement Center.
Helene Krueger Byrd, BA '29, called to say thanks for the
birthday greeting for her 92nd birthday and with the news that in
December she had a heart attack, recovering from that to get pneumonia,
then an allergic reaction to medication. Soon she hopes to be able
to move to the Chandler Center in San Antonio.
Sisters Mary [of Perpetual Help] Dowling, CCVI, BA '27,
Geralda Malloy, CCVI, BA '30, Anne Smiley, CCVI, BA '57, Neomi Hayes,
CCVI, '62, and former teacher Adriana Escobar, CCVI were honored
last fall during the re-dedication of the Village at Avoca Apartments
by having buildings named for them. The on-campus student apartment
complex at the headwaters of the San Antonio River was named for
the town of Avoca temporarily on this site after 1836.
Cecilia Rice Kelly, BA '32, attended the February 11th Incarnate
Word meeting in Houston with her son, Tynan.
Honorees (in gold gowns) Holly
Bohnet, Gladys Henke Niemann and Naomi Trigg Schoppe
of the class of 1950 join Alumna of Distinction
honoree Rosemary Hughes Kowalski, IWHS '41 after
May commencement.
Reba Mims Leach, BA '34, wrote from Devine after her 85th
birthday and reported the passing of her only sibling, Lulu Marie
Mims, a biology graduate of the class of 1940. Lulu had a long and
distinguished career in St. Louis as supervisor of the Blood Bank
at Deaconess Hospital. Lulu was buried in the family plot. A generous
bequest from Lulu will be honored with a memorial section in the
new Science and Engineering Center on campus.
Mrs. Gordon [Althea L.] Politis Moore, IWHS '39, BSHe '43,
called last summer with the exciting news that Naoma Grant, the
first laywoman in the IWC Home Economics Department who taught the
Sisters who later joined the department, celebrated her 101st birthday
in Georgetown, Texas. Naoma taught textiles and clothing.
Rosemary E. Hughes Kowalski, IWHS '41, founder of Catering
by Rosemary and CEO Emerita of the RK Group, was named 2000 Alumna
of Distinction for Professional Achievement at the May 2000 UIW
commencement ceremony.
Elizabeth M. Aman, BA '42, was re-elected president of the
Knollwood Residents Association where she lives in Washington, D.C.
Emilia Rodriguez Garcia, BA '45, is recovering nicely from
a broken arm and is enjoying life with her five sons and their families
in Laredo.
Winifred M. Murray, BA '47, had a surprise four-score birthday
party on campus and the biggest surprise was that it wasn't her
birthday yet. Winnie's forty plus years of teaching sociology, most
of them as Sister Mary John, were celebrated noting her official
retirement in 1990 and recognition as Professor Emerita. A major
surprise was a visit from the East coast for her birthday by former
academic dean Dr. Peter O'Connor.
Nancy Hollingsworth Bohnet, Gladys Henke Niemann, Naomi Trigg
Schoppe and the late Janine Gittinger Parker, all BA
'50, were the first group of golden anniversary graduates, called
the Golden Girls, who donned gold caps and gowns and marched with
the graduates of the class of 2000 at May commencement to represent
the anniversary class of 1950. For Holly Bohnet it was the real
thing. Her family had a mandatory military transfer before graduation
so she never got to cross the stage for graduation. That is, until
fifty years later to celebrate her golden anniversary. The ceremonies
are videotaped and broadcast on cable television. The golden anniversaries
for those interested are celebrated at May commencement, the silver
anniversaries in December.
Ellen R. Toren De Tournillon, BA '50, now lives in Miami
after a successful career of teaching chemistry in Laredo. She says
her years at IWC were rewarding and the Sisters who taught her were
the best.
Mary Elizabeth Kuhnel Conroy wrote after the death of Sister
Joseph Marie Armer, CCVI to say that in the 1950-51 school year,
even with poor eyesight, Sister drew the greatest illustrations
on the blackboard. "Anyone should have been able to learn biology
under her." Among the many alumni who sent in reflections are
Sister Cornelia Marie Knezek, CCSJ, BA '65, MA'69, Maxine
Buhler Burns, BSN '52, Faye Ann Kershen Spitzer, BS '60,
Margaret Chuman, BSN '65, Ruth A. Freiburger, MA '79,
Mary Catherine Flume Janssen, BS '56, Miriam Rivera Kennelly,
BA '57, Ramah Koenig O'Gorman, BA '61, Mary Alma Flores
Lysinger, BA '61, MA '66, Dr. Jim VanStraten, MEd '61,and
Jody Barloco Riley '52.
Mary Caldeira Wade, BS '50, Sister Helen Arnold,
OP, BA '51, and Loretta Bordages, BS '50, had a mini class
reunion for a week in Mercedes, Texas. Mary and her husband, JR,
are busy with a mission in Mexico. They are building a little chapel
in the village of Canales that will be a utility building for Mass,
meetings, rosaries, and giving out goodies. They go down once a
month with large bags of food, clothing, and used toys for the children.
They are raising money for the building, so any angels can contact
Dr. Irene McCrystal, BA '51, enjoys her visits with Maxine
and Joe Burns, Donna Kelly Repman and Theresa D. Bohl and says her
life is full as Professor Emerita of English at San Antonio College.
Irene just finished a non-fiction manuscript on a study of animals
and nature in the Texas Hill Country, which she has been working
on for over fifty years. Her next book will be on her consuming
interest in the Civil War and all the research she has done. She
also enjoys elderhosteling in this country, Italy and Israel and
has been honored for her involvement. She attributes her majoring
in English at IWC to her teachers, Sisters Agnes Imelda Lange, CCVI,
'38, Gertrude Horgan, and Sister Alacoque Power, CCVI, '45.
Maxine Buhler Burns, BSN '52, attended Homecoming and brought
some of her classmates from St. Paul's School of Nursing in Dallas
with her for their own pre-homecoming reunion at the Grossman Center
on campus. They also attended the Sister Charles Marie Frank Lecture
at the opening of the weekend. Last fall Maxine and her husband,
Joe, represented the university at the inauguration of Rev. Stephen
Privett, SJ as the president of the University of San Francisco.
Dr. Jimmie Lee Flume Hughey, BA '52, is retired from St.
John's in Minnesota and is living in the country near the twin cities
of Minneapolis-St. Paul and doing business on the Internet. His
grandson, Jacob, is now in second grade and made his First Communion.
Music alumnus George Gaytan
is performing in recognizable circles as he plays
the guitar last December for now President and
Mrs. George W. Bush.
Esther M. Hoffmann Wright, Wendy Waters and George
Laughlin, Anna Louise "Easy" Tschirhart and
Harold Hans, Anna Marie Garza and Richard Morales,
Sister Mectilde Goertz, OSB, Vertice Hercek Hill,
Joan Schriewer, Mildred Klecka Hovenden, and Barbara
Tate and Bob Hoffmann, all BSN '53, met in San Antonio
before Thanksgiving and spent some time on campus visiting with
the Sisters who taught them at Santa Rosa: Sisters Margaret Mary[Lucilla]
Curry, Theodosia Conroy, Monika [Frebonia] Schonberger, Dorothea
Burke and Mary Aidan Handibode, CCVI. The group had lunch at Earl
Abel's, dinner on the River, a drive to Mission Concepcion, lunch
at Mi Tierra and then to Bulverde for dessert at the home of Esther's
son, Dennis, Wendy and George's godchild. We can't imagine what
this class will do for their golden anniversary in 2003, but we'd
better be ready!
Harriet E. Sharp, IWHS '54, of Dewey, Arizona, has done
extensive volunteer work with hospice in San Antonio and Prescott,
Mary Lou Cornett Earnest, BSN '55, and Diannah Weaver
Parker, BM '56, renewed a friendship from childhood and college
days at the July reunion of Borger (Texas) High School. They had
not been together in forty years. Mary Lou, a widow, is retired
from nursing and lives in Fritch, Texas where all three of her daughters
reside. She spends her summers at her home in Colorado. Diannah
lives in Chickasha, Oklahoma with her husband, Jim, the Mayor. Her
two daughters and two sons have gifted them with twelve grandchildren.
After graduation she spent three years teaching, but for the past
forty years partnered with her husband in land development and home
building. Back in school Diannah earned the BS in Education in 1993
from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, although today
she is primarily in property management, while still active in music
and president of the Oklahoma Federation of Music Clubs.
Mary Agnes Ney Gilhooly, BSN '56, published a new book,
When Memories Go Missing: My Mother and Alzheimer's Disease and
offered a discussion and book signing at Homecoming. The Alumni
Office has copies of the book for $10.
Rose K. Reed, MA '57, celebrated her 87th birthday in February
and, despite being homebound for two years, enjoys her family and
friends and surely would love to hear from classmates.
Tencha Casso de Couttlenc, BA '58, Mapy Casso de Uranga,
BA '59, and Soledad Madrazo de Hernandez visited in Mexico
last fall with Sisters Mary Daniel Healy, BA '47, and Margaret
Patrice Slattery, Ph.D., BA '52, CCVI. Tencha was featured in
a magazine article for her career in teaching and translating.
Dr. Caroline Schoch Spana, BSN '59, and her husband, Ron,
celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on campus in September
at a party hosted by their children. The party also celebrated the
arrival of grandchildren Christopher Paul and Leo Adams and Ron's
English teaching adventure on the UIW campus in China which began
last October.
Tom Jackson, MA '60, a longtime member of the UIW Development
Board is the new Chairman.
Lidia Garza Morales, '66 represented
UIW at the inauguration of Dr. Linda Hanson as
the new president of the College of Santa Fe in
New Mexico
Rita Shaw Reindl, BSN '60, is an excellent class reporter
and is always looking for classmates and email addresses. In her
January email, Rita reported on hearing this year from Estela
Montalvo Scott, BSN '60, Lois Schrenjer Criscione, IWHS
'56, BSN '60, Rosalie Rice Grahmann, IWHS '56, BSN '60, Chris
Durbin Irvin, BSN '60, Martha Ternus Koperwhats, BS '60,
Joyce Busenlehner Michal, '60, Fred Murphy (Irene's widower),
Lucille Seten Newhouse, IWHS '56, BSN '60, Irma Garza
Granger Spade, BSN '60, Sister Teresa Stanley, BSN '60,
CCVI, Jo Ann Hemstreet Vaughan, BSN '60.
Karen Daehne Letsch, BS '64, married Bob Letsch just days
after graduation and lived in San Antonio that first year. She taught
first grade until he finished at St. Mary's, then they moved to
Racine, Wis., where they have lived happily for 37 years. They have
three sons (two of them living in Racine and the youngest in Knoxville)
and eleven grandchildren. Karen taught parochial school kindergarten
and first grade for thirteen years and is now retired and enjoying
her grandchildren.
Estella Reyna Kierce, BA '65, MA '69, was installed as president
of the Women in Insurance and Financial Services at the national
conference in Atlanta. This is the leading professional organization
for women in life and health insurance with headquarters in Annapolis,
Md., and representing 1,000 women internationally. Estella has an
insurance and financial practice in San Antonio offering insurance
and investments.
Lidia Garza Morales, BA '66, had a wonderful time last September
representing UIW at the inauguration of Dr. Linda N. Hanson as the
sixth president of the College of Santa Fe in New Mexico.
Mary Jo Quinn, BS MRA '66, is in Zambia for a year of volunteer
service with the Presentation Sisters in Lusaka, the capitol. She'll
be back in March of next year. Interestingly enough, the Incarnate
Word Sisters are about to embark on their first mission in Africa,
also in Zambia.
Stephanie Alavarez, BS '69, MA '74, and an Alumna of Distinction
certainly had a memorable, even if freezing, Inauguration 2001.
Stephanie is a member of the San Antonio Urban 15 Carnival De San
Antonio Dance Group which performed at the Hispanic Inaugural Ball
and marched in the Inaugural Parade in Washington, DC.
Mary Ann De La Garza, IWHS '69, BM '75, last June earned
the Fine Arts Teacher of the Year Award from the Texas Association
of Private and Parochial Schools. This much honored IWHS teacher
is also the music director for Blessed Sacrament Parish in San Antonio.
In addition to her choral/madrigal courses and directing duties
she teaches two sections of pre-AP algebra I and serves as IWHS
Dean of Students. The Chorale and Madrigals are well known in Texas
and have entertained then Gov. George W. Bush and Lady Bird Johnson.
Emily Duane Ferry, IWHS '69, has added yet another feather
to her well-feathered Hollywood cap with her designs for the ever
popular Jim Carey film, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
Lynn Humble Kienzel, BA '69, writes from California of her
two years of volunteer work with the International Food Security
Treaty Campaign seeking an end to hunger by force of international
law. She urges alumni to get involved and to visit the website for
all the details.
Basia Recko-Kasliwal, BA '69, represented UIW at the inauguration
of Dr. Jacqueline Powers as president of Mount St. Mary's College
in Los Angeles, Calif.
Julie Leake, BA '69, retired after 28 years in social work,
primarily in the field of child abuse and neglect. After a year
of rest she started her own business, Interior Arrangement, as a
professional interior designer.
Kay LaNelle Anske, IWHS '70, works for the Department of
State as Consul General in Nairobi, Kenya.
Dr. Mary Spalding, IWHS '70, BA '74, of El Paso was honored
last year for 21 years of membership in the American Academy of
Family Physicians. Mary chairs the Texas Tech Department of Family
Dr. Sara Jane Warren White, BA '70, and family were on a
medical mission to Guatemala last summer and then on to Austria
and the Passion Play. Sara was selected for the second class of
Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners in New York.
Lucille Jeffery, BSN '72, visited the campus last March
from Louisiana. Lucille retired in February from nurse anesthesia
having worked at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center as
a CRNA and "loved every minute of it".
Catherine Abeyta, BA '72, is the Director of Religious Education
for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Walt and Cynthia Vela Glass, both BA '72, celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary last August. The donation from their
McQueeney Pottery has been a highlight of the annual Scholarship
Sweepstakes and Swing-In Tournament for the past decade.
Ellen Shull, BA '72, is as busy as ever with her teaching
duties at San Antonio's Palo Alto College and editing the much respected
Palo Alto Review.
Arthur Drew Felio, MA '73, visited the campus with his family
from their home in Newport, N.Y.
The silver anniversary class
of 1976 enjoy their celebration on the porch of
the Brackenridge Villa
Rita Pauline Fox, IWHS '73, BA '76, was a Brooks AFB Ambassador
2001. Rita represents the base at school tours, career days, and
during all of the Fiesta Week activities (about 59 of them). Rita
joined Brooks after leaving her GS-14 position at Kelly AFB. She
is now the Deputy Director of the Brooks Air Force Base Group, assisting
in the management of all base operations including civil engineering,
security forces, military personnel and base logistics. As part
of her new job she spoke recently to high school students, among
them some from her IWHS alma mater, and she said it was fun talking
about how life at IWHS has changed since 1973.
Katherine E. Niska Fusselman, BA '73, MS '81, visited the
campus in February and was interested in former teachers and classmates.
She'd love to hear from people at P.O. Box 2585, Granite Shoals,
Texas 78654-2699.
Barbara Heater, BA '73, returned to school administration
after five years back in the classroom and advanced to candidacy
for her doctorate. "The end is in sight," she said.
Sister Yolanda Tarango, CCVI, BA '73, Hon. '96, started
Visitation House 15 years ago when she noticed a growing number
of impoverished women and children living in the streets of San
Antonio. The CCVI ministry is regarded as a two-year safety net
for women with children who are willing to change their desperate
circumstances through education and work training. Sister Yolanda
has served on the UIW Board of Trustees and as a university teacher.
Hilda Chatfield, BA '74, is retired and has taken up writing
poetry and short stories. Hilda says she'll always remember the
kindness of the Sisters when she taught at St. Mary Magdalen School,
and as a IWC student.
Jimmie Ruth Winters Moye, BA '74, celebrated her 70th birthday
in style with a party hosted by her daughter who came in from Germany
and a call from a friend in Paris. Her joy is her cat, Jasmin, who
watches her for hours as she paints or does handwork. This past
year she finished Volume II of Voices Singing Still that
she is writing for her German grandchildren so they can know more
of their heritage. Phylis Speedlin, BSN '75, was elected
District Judge, 408th Judicial District, Bexar County.
Dr. Mary Allyn Watson, BA '76, unable to attend the December
9th ceremony, received special recognition from Dr. Agnese at the
December 13th Associates Dinner. Denise is beginning her 25th year
of teaching and is active in fine arts and speech arts organizations.
David left teaching to devote full time to his stained glass business,
The Glass Pagoda. This is a new tradition of honoring golden and
silver anniversary classes at graduation time as well as at homecoming.
Mel DeMore, BM '76, enjoyed a rare visit to the campus in
May 2000 from her home base in Oakland, Calif. Mel's life is busy
with teaching and performing, here and in Europe, and in such venues
as the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
Kathleen L. Ordons Harr, BSN '76, is the Dean of the Baker
University School of Nursing.
Dr. Frances Strodtbeck, BA '76, BSN '77, has migrated back
to Texas for a new position in Dallas as Associate Professor and
Director of the newly established Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program
at the Herrington School of Nursing at Baylor University. It is
the first program in the northern part of Texas at which graduates
receive a MSN degree. Frances is also completing the last year of
a two-year term as President of the National Association of Neonatal
Evelyn Gee, BA '77, is still busy performing in San Antonio
and one of her productions in the past year was the hilarious comedy,
Nunsense, at the San Pedro Playhouse.
And who are these hard-working
IWC Work-Study students in the spring of 1967?
Hint: they both lived in Dubuis Hall.
Maria A. Pena Rocha, BSN '78, is looking forward to her
graduation silver anniversary in 2003 and her silver wedding anniversary
next year. Maria is a benefits nurse analyst with Pacificare/Secure
Horizons after fifteen wonderful years of hospital nursing at Santa
Rosa and Metropolitan. Her son, Joel Emilio, is a junior at UTSA
and daughter Antoinette Rose Renee is a busy sixth grader at Pat
Neff School. Both children are exactly nine years, one month, and
one day apart [911] in age.
Linda Jackson Stierle, BG, USAF Ret., BSN '78, and Alumna
of Distinction, was named Chief Operating Officer of the American
Nurses Association. As COO she will be responsible for all of the
business operations of the 6.2 million member ANA. Linda gave the
2001 Annual Sister Charles Marie Frank Lecture in Nursing at UIW
in April.
Patricia Bullion Recker, MS '79, completed her 16 year as
a biology teacher at John Jay High School and has also been active
in writing curriculum and grants, and a year ago was the Spurs teacher
of the game. She, husband Steve and children Noah and Samantha live
on three acres of land in the country near LaVernia.
George Gaytan, BM '81, is teaching at St. Mary's Hall and
is still busy performing, including the Governor's Mansion in Austin.
Sister Jo-Michelle Sierra, SSGJ, MA '81, received the 2001
Religion Award from the La Prensa Foundation in San Antonio.
John Gann, BA '82, is back in Texas with Lucy and the family
and is now an Associate Professor of Natural Science and Math at
Tomball College in Tomball, Texas.
Regina Ciarrochi, IWHS '84,
BA '93, married Randy Boon on October 21, 2000
in Indianapolis. Attending (left) were Maura and
Jerome Ciarrochi and (right) David Ciarrochi and
Catharine Ciarrochi, IWHS '83, BA '88.
Mardi Swift Marah, BA '83, now lives in the United Kingdom,
is married to a Yorkshireman, and they have one son, Gregory, 10.
She is still involved in politics, is taking a management course,
and does medical word processing on the side.
Jesse Borrego, Class of 1984, is still busy making films
in Hollywood, but he took the time to star in Don Juan in Hell with
the San Antonio Symphony and music by Robert Xavier Rodriguez.
Josie Garza Brigham, BA '84, is a self-employed mortgage
loan officer in Florida.
Monica M. Garcia Karam, IWHS '84, is currently a UIW ADCaP
student happily strolling down memory lane as she takes college
courses evenings on the IWHS campus. Last October she celebrated
her tenth wedding anniversary with Michael Karam, and they have
two boys, Zachary, 3, and Douglas, 1.
Major Arthur Anthony, BA '85 received his promotion in rank
last January and has moved to Charleston, W.Va. Arthur's wife, Luise,
and their daughter, Shana, now 4, have made the adjustment to new
Veronica Prida, BA '85, and Alumna of Distinction outfitted
a stuffed bear for a Children's Bear Essentials benefit for the
Family Service Association. Veronica dressed her bear in a Mexican
skirt and embroidered top.
Tami Anne Smolik Piemonte, BS '86, left active duty to join
the Air Force Reserves and moved to Connecticut. In August and September,
she and Joseph celebrated their wedding with friends and family
in Texas and Pennsylvania.
Dr. Joseph Penn, BS '87, made a congressional visit in February
representing the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
and has been busy giving or about to give talks in Boston, Buffalo
and Philadelphia.
Catherine Ciarrocchi, BA '88, left for Italy to teach English
for 6 to 8 months.
Mario Herrera, MA '88, Spanish poet and photoessayist, will
have his literary works preserved in the Special Collections section
of the University of Texas/Arlington library which specializes in
the works of Texas and borderlands writers.
Rose Marie Perez Martinez, BSN '88, MSN '97, is a clinical
nurse specialist in urology at South Texas Veterans Healthcare System,
Audie L. Murphy Division.
Sister Louise (Benedicta) Delisi,
CCVI, BA '67, MA '85 visits with well wishers
at her Golden Jubilee celebration as a Sister
of Charity of the Incarnate Word.
Vanessa R. Treadway Morton, BA '88, magna cum laude was
selected by the government as an Outstanding Scholar and completed
their management intern program. She is currently living and working
in the state of Washington and is a Government Contracts Officer
for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Elizabeth Skrobarczyk, BA '88, is now the head of the design
department for Haggar Clothing of Dallas.
Sean Patrick Sullivan, BBA '89, and Kathy Lynn Sullivan,
BBA '90, celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary last June. They
have two children, Megan Elizabeth,3, and Jacob (Jake) Charles,
1. Sean is a part-owner of a small software consulting firm and
Kathy is working for a recruiting firm, ProStaff, both in Houston.
Francois P. Tomasoa, BBA '89, emailed from Jakarta that
he enjoys the UIW website and news and information via email.
Cathy Baisley, BBA '90, accepted a Technical Support Manager
position with Southwestern Bell Communications in July 2000.
Javier Bustos, BA '90, has been in the military and served
in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and is now back in the U.S.
working as a police officer in Austin.
Michelle C. Casanova, BBA '90, took part in the Austin Race
for the Cure on November 5th in memory of her sister, Peggy's, three
year battle with breast cancer. Michelle reminds us that early detection
isn't a cure, but it can help save a life.
Karen Jaceldo-Siegl, MS '90, is a doctoral candidate in
nutrition at Loma Linda University in California, specializing in
nutritional epidemiology.
Denise DeJarnette Stout, BA
'76, her husband, Dennis and son, Derek enjoy
the reception after the Homecomming 2001 Mass.
Denise Barkis Richter, MA '90, received her Ph.D. in journalism
from the University of Texas at Austin and her UIW graduate advisor,
Peggy Bowie, was present at her defense. Denise's dissertation was
"Local Television News and Viewer Empowerment: Why the Public's
Main Source of News Falls Short" which she presented at the
Association for Education In Journalism and Mass Communications.
Denise is now in her third year of teaching in the communications
department of Palo Alto College.
Teresa Trevino, IWHS '90, BS '95, is now in Fort Collins,
Colo., where she is a student in the Veterinary Medicine program
of Colorado State University.
Mary Bowlin-Brand, BA '91, played Madame Arcati in Noel
Coward's Blithe Spirit last fall at San Antonio's Harlequin Dinner
Rev. Gilbert Cavazos, OFM, MA '91, completed the doctorate
at the Antonianum in Rome and now teaches liturgy at the Chicago
Theological Union.
Gerardo Valdivia-Gonzalez, BA '91, visited the campus in
September. He is now in acting school in Mexico City while promoting
his music, and hopes to land a role in the soaps in Mexico. Many
alumni have called to say they saw him, well at least his teeth,
in a Colgate commercial last year.
Susie Phillips Gonzalez, IWHS '91, is Assistant Director
of Public Relations at Trinity University.
Anthony Ciaravino, BA '92, won a San Antonio Globe Award
last year for best lead actor in the campus production of Hamlet.
Don Espiritu, O.D., MA '92, graduated from the University
of Houston College of Optometry with a Doctor of Optometry degree
and is working with Sharp Eye Consultants in San Antonio.
Hilary Gilchrist Keahey, BA '92, completed a five-month
Disney cruise working as an improvisational comedienne.
Anne Ohlrich-Mann, BA '92, returned to Washington from her
assignment as a foreign service officer in England where she is
learning Portuguese in preparation for her next assignment in Racife,
Brazil. Daughter Margaret, 5, is doing well in school.
Carolyn Kierce Weiblen, BA '92, graduated summa cum laude
with a MS in Communications in August from the University of North
Texas. She went to graduate school part time while working full-
time as a Network Manager for EDS corporate business television
network in Dallas.
Caterina E. M. Lasome, MSN/MBA '93, is a Major in the U.S.
Army Nurse Corps and a doctoral informatics student at the University
of Maryland School of Nursing. She was awarded the Nurses
Educational Funds, Inc. top scholarship award for this year, the
Isabel Hampton Robb scholarship for study at the doctoral level.
Dr. Alfonso H. Luevano, BS '93, began his Family Practice
Residency July 1st at the UT Medical Branch in Galveston.
Yvette Paredes-Gonzales, BA '93, MEd '00, was part of the
San Antonio ISD Cohort III since 1998 and received her Master's
in Education from UIW in December.
Mikiko Shikano, BA '93, operates Mikiko Fine Arts Productions
in Baltimore. She invites her colleagues and UIW alumni to visit
her website at and her email address is the same without www and
with @yahoo.com on the end.
Junab [Pookie] Ali II, BBA '94, is Director of Operations
at Via Technology and wife Denise, BA '96, left her job as product
manager to raise their daughter, Angelina.
Anel Flores, IWHS '94, BA '98, had a show of her art work
and writing at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center in San Antonio
in March.
Rev. Robert Frimpong-Manso, MA '94, was ordained to the
Roman Catholic priesthood on December 1, 2000. He was the tenth
IW alumnus ordained to the priesthood. In addition, there are three
Catholic deacons, six priests with Master's degrees, and three Texas
bishops hold UIW honorary doctorates
Karen D. Goodman, MA '94, is the Director of Continuing
Education at New Hampshire College, Nashua Center.
Rene Wolf Herring, BSN '94, is employed as an elementary
special education teacher at Archer City ISD and also as a nurse
at the United Regional Health Care Systems in Wichita Falls.
Desiree Kornrum-Byrne, BBA '94, has been accepted into the
doctoral program at UT Austin and is working on her Ph.D. in Higher
Education Administration. She was also promoted to Data Specialist
for the Texas Coordinating Board's Grants and Special Programs Division.
Her little one, Preston, turned two in June.
Michael Rosado, BSN '94, is a critical care transport nurse
for Duke Life Flight, Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina.
Raul Saenz, BA '94, and sports anchor for Univision KWEX-TV
in San Antonio charmed an audience of prospective students and parents
at an information night on January 31st. The Laredo native and communications
arts alumnus spoke highly of his years at Incarnate Word.
Nancy Glass West, MA '94, has yet another book ready, a
novel about a woman whose husband mysteriously disappears.
Rev. Quang Nguyen, CSJ , BA '95, was ordained to the priesthood
on November 25, 2000 in San Jose, Calif., as a member of the Congregation
of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. He is the eleventh UIW undergraduate
to be ordained to the priesthood.
Rev. Gilbert A. Panza, BA '95, was ordained to the Catholic
priesthood in Fort Worth last May and is now at St. John the Apostle
Catholic Church in North Richland Hills. Gilbert also earned the
Master of Divinity from the Oblate School of Theology with a Certificate
of Advanced Studies for Presbyterial Ministry.
Rosalinda "Rose" Rosales, BBA '95, was named one
of the Latina Women in Action by La Prensa Foundation. Rose is the
director of family services for Habitat for Humanity. It was noted
that Rose worked herself up from beginnings in Texas cotton fields
to a position where she can now help poor families own their own
Ricardo A. Chavira, BA '96, is keeping busy on the West
coast using his theatre degree. Don't be surprised if you see his
face on a television series or two in the future. His last role
was as a pediatric resident on City of Angels, and then on March
27, 2001 he was Miguel on JAG (CBS) and Kenny Montemayor on NYPD
Blue (ABC). He is going by Ricardo Antonio for his stage name.
John Anthony D. Maldonado, BBA '96, was voted employee of
the year 2000 for Northpark Lincoln Mercury in San Antonio. John
has been with the firm since 1998 and is assistant manager of the
accounting department.
Hortencia Martinez, BBA '96, earned her MBA from the University
of Illinois/Chicago in 1999 and is currently a business systems
analyst at Hewitt Associates, LLC, a management consulting firm
specializing in human resources.
Ned Meneses, BA '96, has been teaching computer graphics
at Judson High School and continues to work as a freelance artist.
His work as a digital artist was featured in the cover story of
Digital Imaging for the January/February issue.
Michelle Sparkman, IWHS '96, completed the international
relations program with a second major in French at St. Mary's University.
She was a President's Award recipient. She was able to study abroad
in London and Florence and did her internship at the U.S. Embassy
in Vilnius, Lithuania. She is continuing her studies at George Washington
University. She was also a bridesmaid in the wedding of fellow shamrock
Erin Morgan Ochoa, IWHS '96, with Tara Kolar IWHS '96, and Amy Morgan,
IWHS '00.
Michael T. Berger, MBA '97, was promoted to an industry
analyst for the market engineering and consulting firm, Frost and
Nicole Dawn Hernandez, BS '97, has been attending medical
school in Florida and is in her third year and in clinical rotations.
She is specializing in podiatry and will graduate in the spring
of 2002. Nicole passed part one of her medical boards exam and hopes
to return to Texas to do her residency and practice podiatric medicine.
Lisa Garcia Luna, BA '97, works for the Pleasanton Express
where she is the Lifestyle Editor. In April 2000, she was honored
by the South Texas Press Association with a third place award in
the Family/Social pages division. Lisa lives in Pleasanton with
her husband, Christopher, and their daughter Ava Christine, 6.
Jennifer Mae Savedra, BM '97, and Dominic Savedra, BA '97,
are living in McAllen. He is the USPTA teaching professional at
The Club at Cimarron and directs the junior tennis program. Jennifer
is a choir director in La Joya and teaches middle school.
Alicia Sternberg, BA '97, played Hermione in the Shoestring
Shakespeare Company's production of The Winter's Tale at the Alamo
Street Theatre last winter.
Luis R. Vasquez, BBA '97, is with Vasquez Insurance Agency,
Farmers Insurance Group.
Alfredo Figueroa, BA '98, started as a graphics designer
for a San Antonio-based company manufacturing tool belts and accessories
and moved to marketing services manager. He is currently in Houston
as Production Director for a free style and fashion magazine in
Houston and Dallas, Papercity, with a monthly circulation of 176,000.
Shelly Chance, BA '99, joined the Firelight Players as special
projects director and directs the high school playwrighting competition
with former UIW student Teri Pena Ross.
Mary Ann Garrett, MA '99, is studying at Seabury-Weston
Theological Seminary in Illinois for ordination in the Episcopal
Most Rev. John E. McCarthy, Hon. '99, retired in January
as the bishop of Austin.
Travis Turner, BA '99, visited San Antonio before Christmas
from Creighton University Law School
Stacy Williams, BA '99, is on her own as a fashion designer
and last summer produced a solo event, "Fashionista: An Art
Happening," a 28-piece runway show held at the Texas Highway
Patrol Museum and a gallery show at IV Art Space, both in San Antonio.
Mikala Gibson, BA '00, won a San Antonio Globe Award for
best supporting actress for her role in the campus production of
Stu Werner, MBA '00, was promoted to Regional Sales Manager
for the southern U.S. and will be moving to Dallas later this year.