During the 2019 Faculty Award Reception several members of the faculty were honored for their service to the University. Pictured here from left are the winning faculty. Dr. Julie Nadeau, associate professor undergraduate program chair & Traditional BSN director in the Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing & Health Professions received the 2018-19 Mission Continues Award for Faith. Dr. Jeff Rabin, assistant dean of Graduate Studies, Research & Assessment, and professor at Rosenberg School of Optometry received the 2018-2019 Award for Innovation.
Dr. Robert Garner, associate professor and chair of Chemistry received the 2018-2019 Mission Continues Award for Truth. Dr. Martha Ann Kirk, CCVI, professor of Religious Studies, received the 2019 Robert J. Connelly Faculty Leadership Award. Dr. Brian McBurnett, professor of Chemistry was awarded 2018-2019 UIW Nominee for the Piper Professor Award. Dr. Tanja Stampfl, associate professor of English was awarded the 2018-2019 Mission Continues Award for Education. Dr. Betsy Leverett, associate professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry was awarded the 2018-2019 Mission Continues Award for Service.
Dr. Danielle Alsandor, assistant professor of Graduate Studies in the Dreeben School of Education, received the 2018 Faculty Member of the Year Award for the Texas Association of College & University Student Personnel Administrators (TACUSPA).
Dr. Barbara Aranda-Naranjo, associate provost for health professions, won the Visionary Leadership Award from The University of Texas Health Science Center School of Nursing in San Antonio. She attended the ceremony in March with Dr. Barbara Herlihy, her first faculty academic advisor at IWC in 1985. She was selected as one of 50 award winners for her contributions to nursing, her dedication to underserved populations, and work addressing social determinants of health, as well as her advocacy of people living with HIV/AIDS and leadership at the local, state and national levels.
Dr. Russell Attridge, associate dean, academic affairs and associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, published “Critically Ill Recipients of Weight-Based Fluconazole Meeting Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network Criteria” in Hospital Pharmacy (Joseph, M., Brady, R., Attridge, R.T., Cota, J., Horlen, C., Lusk, K., Attridge, R.L.)

A Guide to Faculty-Led Study Abroad
Dr. Lydia Andrade, professor and chair of the Department of Political Science, Dr. Lopita Nath, associate professor and chair of the Department of History, and Dr. Scott Dittloff, professor of Political Science, penned the book A Guide to Faculty-Led Study Abroad: How to Create a Transformative Experience, which will be published by Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group.
Dr. Renee Bellanger, professor of Pharmacy Practice, published “Safety of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Treatments and Practices” in Side Effects of Drugs Annual 2018 with co-authors (Bellanger, R.A., Seeger, C.M., Smith, H.E.)
Dr. David Campos, professor of Teacher Education, co-published “Using Film to expand horizons” in Educational Leadership.
Dr. Paulo Carvalho, associate professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, had the poster “Metabolization of Natural Antioxidants Osajin and Pomiferin by Fungi and Yeast” accepted for presentation at the 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) with co-authors (Luis, S.B., Huber, E., Vallor, A., Carvalho, P.)
Dr. Kimberly Cauthon, associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, published “Medication Regimen Complexity Index in the Elderly in an Outpatient Setting: a Literature Review” in Consultant Pharmacist with co-authors (Brysch, E.G., Cauthon, K.A.B., Kalich, B.A., Sarbacker, G.B.)
Dr. Jeffrey Copeland, assistant dean of experiential programs and professor of Pharmacy Practice, is currently serving as president of Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International (CPFI). His term runs from June 2017 to June 2019.
Dr. Jason Cota, vice chair and professor of Pharmacy Practice, successfully passed his examination to become a board-certified Infectious Diseases Pharmacist (BCIDP). This was the first time the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) offered specialty certification in the area of infectious diseases pharmacy.
Dr. Ann D. David, assistant professor of Teacher Education, joined the Standing Committee Against Censorship of the National Council of Teachers of English.
Dr. Jean Dols, associate professor of Nursing, Dr. Christina Hernández, associate professor of Nursing, and Dr. Heather Miles, nurse practitioner, were awarded the American Academy of Nursing 2018 Nursing Outlook Excellence in Education Award for their article “The DNP Project: Quandaries for Nursing Scholars.” The article, published in Nursing Outlook, was based on the trio’s research describing the faculty practices and challenges related to the Doctor of Nursing Project (DNP) across the United States. The UIW Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Operations provided funding for the research project and for Miles’ participation while in the DNP. In November 2018, the award was presented to Dols at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Nursing in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Tracie Edmond, associate professor of Accounting in the H-E-B School of Business & Administration, was the 2018 winner of the Edward Zlotkowski Faculty Service Learning Award. Edmond is known for her innovations combining service and accounting education incorporating real world experiences into the classroom. One of the most successful innovative tools developed by and used in her classes is a tri-sector collaboration mode including the non-profit sector, the for-profit sector, and the education sector.
Cindy Escamilla, vice president of legal affairs and general counsel, was unanimously confirmed as a Class of 2019 San Antonio Bar Foundation (SABF) Fellow. The organization makes a difference in expanding civics education, filling the gap for access to justice and supporting the pipeline of future leaders.
Dr. Bradi Frei, associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, published “Will There be a Stampede to Use Abiraterone Acetate in Prostate Cancer?” in Topics in Evidence- Based Pharmacy Practice (Hampton, K., Frei, B.L.)
Prof. William Gokelman, chair of the Department of Music and director of Choral Activities, had a proposal accepted by the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) to perform a concert of “Sacred Choral Music in Spanish,” in support of NPM’s initiative to connect with the Spanish-speaking Church in the United States. The concert will be performed by the UIW Cardinal Singers at the NPM national convention in Raleigh, N.C., July 2019.
Dr. Caroline Goulet, dean of the School of Physical Therapy, facilitated the 5th Annual Geneva R. Johnson Forum on Innovation in Physical Therapy Education entitled Our Leadership Landscape: Perspective from the Ground Level to 30,000 ft. at t the 2018 Educational Leadership Conference in Jacksonville, FL.
Dr. Stephanie Grote-Garcia, associate professor of Teacher Education, will present “Advancing Preservice Teachers’ Pedagogical Reasoning Through Technology” at the 2019 Texas Association for Literacy Education Conference in Waco, Texas.
Dr. Susan Guzman Foster, assistant professor of Graduate Studies in the Dreeben School of Education, co-authored “Multicultural Education or Ethnic Studies?,” a chapter in Rethinking Ethnic Studies.
Dr. Sharon Herbers, professor of Graduate Studies, and Dr. Norman St. Clair, director of Graduate Studies, in the Dreeben School of Education, along with their co-authors, published “The Joy of Learning: A Case Study of a Transformative Educator and Activist” (Buck, M., Mercer, W., St. Clair, N., & Herbers, S.) in Adult Learning by Sage Publications.
Dr. Arthur Hernandez, professor of Graduate Studies in the Dreeben School of Education, was elected the president of the Texas Association of School Psychologists. Hernandez presented “Teaching Culturally Responsive Evaluation: Theory, Practice, and Reflections,” “Youths Speaking Truth to Power in Nigeria, Chicago, California, and Hawaii: Contexts for Empowerment and Culturally Responsive Evaluation” and “Promising Practices at Minority Serving Institutions: Incorporating Program Evaluation Training Across Course Curricula” at the Elevation 2018 conference for the American Evaluation Association in Cleveland, Ohio. He also presented “Evaluation Models: Theory Based Approaches” at the Annual Texas Evaluation Association Conference in Austin.
Dr. Chad Jackson, director of Professional Practice Education, and Dr. Jaime González, assistant professor, were invited to present a case study “DPT Students and Clinical Instructors – An Exploration of Productivity, Enhancers and Distractors of a Successful Experience” for all stakeholders at the 2018 Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference.
Dr. Mary M Hoke, professor and dean of Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing & Health Professions (SNHP), accepted the American Academy of Colleges of Nursing 2018 Award for Exemplary Academic-Practice Partnership at the AACN National Meeting in Washington, D.C. for the SNHP partnership with Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital. The academic-practice partnership was recognized for demonstrating an innovative and sustained academic-practice relationship with significant positive measurable outcomes. Aligning with the UIW Mission of Christian service and the spirit of social justice, Hoke aspired to extend teaching and scholarship to improve nursing and patient outcomes in the community served by the University. Hoke’s vision was to focus on improving the service provided by nurses in the community with enhancement of the clinical experience of students being the secondary focus. Dr. Jean D. Dols has led the partnership since its inception, partnering with Dr. Sara Kolb, UIW professor emeritus, Dr, Laura Muñoz, associate professor, Dr. Katie Chargualaf, assistant professor, Dr. Cynthia Purcell, assistant professor, and Dr. Monica Ramirez, associate professor. Dr. Julie Nadeau, associate professor and Yvonne Davila, nurse faculty clinical liaison, led the efforts to improve student clinical experiences since the partnership’s inception. To date, the partnership has resulted in 15 presentations, five publications (published or accepted for publication) and one manuscript. The partnership teams have also received awards including the 2018 International Transplant Nursing Symposium Award for the Best Abstract and the 2018 Gold Award for Excellence in Presentation from the Texas Kidney Foundation.
Dr. Lila LaGrange, professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, was elected to serve as American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Biological Sciences Section officer, a three-year position, effective July 2019. The first-year position is chair-elect, second-year position is chair, and third-year position is immediate past-chair. The section provides a forum for exchange of ideas pertinent to teaching biological science-based material in the professional pharmacy curriculum.
Dr. Christina (Guerra) Long, assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice, published “Effect of Age on Leukopenia Following Renal Transplantation at a Single Center in the Progress” (Yang, Y., Guerra, C., Sumrani, N.) in Transplantation Peer-Reviewed Journal. Long also published the chapter “Solid Organ Transplantation” in the textbook Pharmacotherapy First: A Multimedia Learning Resource from the American Pharmacists Association.
Dr. Elda Martinez, director of Teacher Education, serves on the Medical Scientific Advisory Committee for The Winston School San Antonio that organizes the Annual Learning Symposium. Held in January 2019, the symposium focused on Child Development in a Digital World. Martinez attended the symposium with students in the Teacher Education program. She published “A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts Concepts of Online Text: Examining Online Literacy Skills of Elementary Students” (with co-authors Pilgrim, J., Bledsoe, C., Vasinda, S., Martinez, E.) in Reading Horizons. She will publish along with co-authors, “Octopuses, Online Sources, and Reliability Reasoning: A Qualitative Study” (Pilgrim, J., Bledsoe, C., Vasinda, S., Martinez, E.) in The Reading Teacher. The article has been accepted and is pending spring 2019 publication.
Dr. Julie Nadeau, associate professor, undergraduate program chair, Traditional BSN director, and Dr. Kathleen Tilton, assistant professor of Nursing gave a podium presentation “Contemporary Curricular Innovation: Concepts and Community” at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) 2018 Baccalaureate Education Conference.
Dr. Lopita Nath, associate professor and chair of the Department of History, and Dr. Stephanie Grote-Garcia, associate professor of Teacher Education, presented “Raising Students’ Voices: Using Literature Featuring Refugee Characters in Classrooms” at the 2018 National Council of Teachers of English Conference.
From the School of Physical Therapy, Dr. Evan Petersen, associate professor, Dr. Matt Walk, assistant professor, and Dr. Stephanie Thurmond, assistant professor, presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference, in Reno, NV a paper entitled “Putting Your Clinical Reasoning in Order: Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for Physical Therapy Students and Educators.” They also presented on “Effective Strategies for Overcoming Common Clinical Reasoning Errors in Physical Therapy Practice” at the Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, San Antonio.
Dr. Brett A. Richardson, director of Bands and coordinator of Music Education, has been elected by his peers to membership in the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Mu, an International Honorary Bandmaster Fraternity. Phi Beta Mu is an honorary, non-political, non-profit fraternity established in 1938. Richardson was inducted at the new member’s breakfast in February in San Antonio. He was sponsored by Dr. Caroline Beatty, director of Bands at Texas State University.
Co-sponsors were Prof. Fred J. Allen, director of Bands (Ret’d.), Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, and Julie Jezek, director of Bands, Ronald McNair Junior High in Alvin, Texas.
Dr. Joshua Robbins, associate professor of English, attended the first annual Symposium on Christian Poetics at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI, where he presented a paper titled “Wrestling the Angel: Notes Toward a Poetics of Christian Doubt” and gave a poetry reading of his work. He was one of 12 nationally-recognized Christian poets asked to attend and discuss the present state of Christian poetry in America.

Dr. Kevin Salfen
Dr. Kevin Salfen, associate professor of Music, published two of his piano compositions in Made in SA: A Piano Book Series, Book 4 and contributed two articles to the newsletter of the American Musicological Society about the organization’s annual meeting. Salfen was also the local arrangements chair at the meeting held in San Antonio in November. He gave pre-performance talks for Opera San Antonio’s production of La Bohème and La Traviata, and his blog about the UIW Listening Library, Sound Trove, now in its second year, has achieved over 500 views. In addition, throughout 2018 he served as a member of the Waste & Consumption Technical Working Group in support of San Antonio’s development of a climate action and adaptation plan.
Dr. David E. Starkey, assistant professor of Biology, and Kayla Trevino, former student, had the manuscript “Stratification in Topsoil: A Preliminary Analysis of Bacterial Biodiversity at Two Sites in San Antonio, Texas” accepted in the Texas Journal of Science. Starkey and student Cody Kotara received a grant from the Texas Herpetological Society to investigate the presence/ absence of Chytrid fungus in San Antonio.
Dr. Denise Staudt, dean of the Dreeben School of Education, and Dr. Elda Martinez, director of Teacher Education, provided a workshop for teachers from CCVI schools at El Instituto Miguel Ángel de Occidente in Guadalajara, Mexico. The workshop focused on teacher reflection and development, developing, and assessing student writing.
From the Dreeben School of Education, Dr. Norman St. Clair, director of Graduate Studies, and Dr. Alfredo Ortiz, associate professor of Graduate Studies, co-developed and chaired the 2018 Doctoral Research Symposium.
Dr. Matt Walk, assistant professor of Physical Therapy, led a physical therapy team under the coordination of the Ettling Center for Civic Leadership & Sustainability in the Los Quijotes of San Antonio – Ambassadors of Health annual Oaxaca Health Mission Trip. The physical therapy team consisted of UIW faculty members Dr. Walk and dean Dr. Caroline Goulet, students Lillian Cerritos, Angela Martin and Selina Rodriguez, and alumna Monica Mendez ‘17, as well as IPETH Mexico City faculty and students.
Dr. G. Lucy Wilkening, assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice, published “Evaluation of Chart Review Notes as a Method of Reducing Co-prescribing of Benzodiazepines and Opioids in a Veteran Population” (Shayegani, R., Pugh, M.J., Kazanis, W., Wilkening, G.L.) in The American Journal of Managed Care. Wilkening is also a peer reviewer for The Journal of the American Pharmacists Association and Clinical Psychopharmacology.