In February, UIW’s Dreeben School of Education (DSE) proudly hosted the 2016 Literacy Summit on campus. This national event drew over 300 teachers, literacy professionals and literacy scholars from across the nation to engage in important conversations about the field of literacy. The theme of the 2016 summit, “Celebrating 20 Years of ‘What’s Hot,’” reflected on the changing field of literacy and looking toward the future. The summit was co-hosted by DSE, the Texas Association of Literacy Educators, and Specialized Literacy Professionals, part of the International Literacy Association. Guadalupe Garcia McCall, a local, award-winning poet, delivered a keynote speech along with other keynotes including Dr. Donald Leu, an internationally-known literacy scholar; Linda B. Gambell, distinguished professor of education at Clemson University; and Marcie Craig Post, the executive director of the International Literacy Association; among others. Children’s authors McCall, Johnathan Rand, Sonia Gensler, and John Micklos Jr. signed their award-winning children’s books at the event.