UIW student Erik Coronado (pictured) won the best undergraduate poster award for the computer science category at the TAS meeting. Student Elizabeth Gutierrez won the best undergraduate poster presentation in neuroscience and Erica Renee Johnson was judged as the top prize in math and tied for second place in the overall best undergraduate presentation in all categories.
The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) School of Math, Science & Engineering welcomed the 118th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science (TAS), March 6-8. More than 600 scientists attended the meeting held on the university campus. In addition to the 250 oral and poster presentations of their scientific research, the Texas Distinguished Scientist and an Outstanding Texas Educator were named. Meeting highlights included a professional development session for scientists, a recruitment session for graduate and professional schools, as well as a panel discussion for students.
“The annual meetings of the Texas Academy of Science take place on the campuses of universities all over Texas,” said Dr. Paul Foglesong, UIW professor of biology, who was instrumental in organizing the event. “The 118th Annual Meeting was the first time that the meeting was held at UIW, and we made a great first impression on the group. Texans love to visit San Antonio, and our facilities were excellent for the oral and poster sessions as well as the festive awards banquet in the Rosenberg Sky Room. The UIW Planning Commission identified hosting regional meetings such as this one as effective ways to let everyone know what a great place UIW is.”