Rev. Dr. Trevor D. Alexander, BA ’96
Most of us will not join an organization without knowledge of its mission. While we may not memorize the entire mission statement verbatim, we should be able to summarize the mission of the organization we are associated with.
When I think of the founding Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and their Mission, we can clearly see their Incarnational Spirituality shining brightly. They moved into the community and were the word that became flesh and blood.
When I examine the charism of the Sisters and their Incarnational Spirituality, three words come to mind, “-transformational,-” “-transitional,-” and “-transcultural.-” The mission is alive through these three words.
Transformational requires that one makes a change in character. The Mission should bring a reality shift that says, “I am not just doing my service for a requirement, I am doing this service because it’s who I am.” Living a transformative life can bring a healthy tension that causes us to take an honest and critical look at our own belief system.
Living the Mission is transitional because we move from one stage of life to another. The Mission should so affect our lives that we should be impelled to move out of our comfort zone and make a difference in our community. We are the ones continuing to answer the call of Bishop Dubuis, “Our Lord Jesus Christ, suffering in the persons of a multitude of sick and infirm of every kind seeks relief at your hands.”
The Mission is transcultural because we are required to extend ourselves into all cultures. If the Mission is going to be sustainable, it must be inspiring and engaging to the entire community, regardless of culture.
It is through these three words that we can gain a deeper understanding of the Mission statement that guides our daily work.