Dr. Caroline Goulet, professor of physical therapy, delivered the keynote address at the 2011 Physical Therapy Education Faculty Summit in El Paso, Texas, on March 25. The title of her presentation was “Acculturation and Social Responsibility in Physical Therapy Education.”
Dr. Brian A. Kinnaird, associate professor of criminal justice, has published two articles in Sheriff Magazine and Texas Police Journal on “Life After Law Enforcement.” In addition, he is a featured columnist in the Law and Crime sections of Psychology Today and PoliceLink.
Dr. Alan Preston, assistant professor of business, presented a paper entitled “Clickers in the Classroom: Clicking your Way to Success” at the Southwest Teaching and Learning Conference at Texas A&M University San Antonio on April 1.
Dr. Rochelle Caroon-Santiago, assistant professor of psychology, co-wrote a chapter called “Psychological Processes and Experience in Gerontology: An Interactive Text” published by National Social Science Press.
Assistant professor of mathematics Dr. Suleyman Tek’s paper “Analyzing Response Time of Batch Signing” was accepted for publication in May by the Journal of Internet Services and Information Security.
Dr. Matthew D. Gonzalez, assistant professor of business, had two articles accepted for presentation and publication. He presented “Souly Aligned: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Spirit on Workplace Spirituality” at the International Academy of Management and Business during their annual conference. He presented “DSS Development and Implementation within the Services Industry: A User Based Design Science Approach” at the Association of Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group for Management and Information Systems in May.
Dr. Paul David Foglesong, professor of biology, co-authored “Identification of DNA topoisomerases induced by interleukin-2 in HuT 78 cells,” which he presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in Washington, DC, in April.
Dr. Lydia Andrade, professor of government and international affairs, attended the Southwestern Social Science Association annual meeting in Las Vegas in March and presented a paper titled “Graduating from the Electoral College.” She also chaired a panel titled “Teaching About American Politics” and was a participant on a roundtable titled “Strategies for Successful Teaching in Political Science Core Curriculum Classes.” Andrade was also selected as the recipient of the 2011 UIW Presidential Teaching Award.
Dr. Dianna Tison, of the Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions, gave a presentation titled “Promoting Pedagogical Approaches to Robust Learning in Undergraduate STEM Workshop” and facilitated the workshop at Mountain View College from April 7-9 in Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Jennifer Cook, Dr. Sara Kolb, Dr. Holly Cassells and Yvonne Davila, faculty members of the Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions, co-presented posters “Blood Pressure Knowledge and Self Management Behaviors of Older Hispanic Adults Diagnosed with Hypertension: A Pilot Study” and “Ministerios de Salud: A University-Community Partnership for Health” at the Building Partnerships for Geriatric Care, a regional conference held in San Antonio from April 7-8. Kolb also co-presented “Enfermeras de los Pies: A Community Based Foot Care Nurse Program” at the conference.
Dr. Julie Nadeau, of the Ila Faye School of Nursing and Health Professions, earned a Doctorate of Education from Walden University in April.
Sr. Sally Mitchell, assistant professor of religion, wrote an article for Women’s History Month published by the Sisters of Saint Francis titled “And God Created Woman and Saw that She Was Good.”
Tim Milinovich, assistant professor of religious studies, is the author and general editor of a book recently published by Saint Mary’s Press titled “Revelation and Sacred Scripture: A Primary Reader.” His book, “Now is the Day of Salvation: An Audience-Oriented Study of 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2,” was recently printed by Pickwick Publications.
Dr. Teresa Taylor Partridge, assistant professor of psychology, attended the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Montreal and presented “The Relationship between Infant Temperament, Age, and EEG Asymmetries in Response to Attractive and Unattractive Faces,” and co-authored the presentation of “Attentional Bias and 5-HTTLPR Genotype in Infants.”
“Making the Scene,” the book co-authored by Margaret Mitchell, professor of theatre arts, won the 2011 Prose Book Award for Music and the Performing Arts. The award is one of the American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence.
Dr. Chris Paris, associate professor of English, read and participated in the “Forrest Fest Preview” of selected poets in Austin that precedes the Forrest Fest Celebration of Poetry and the Arts that will be held throughout Austin. He read “We Are Briareus,” “Metaphor” and “Pentangeli.” His poem, “We Come and Go But Ghostly Still” appears in the winter edition of Hudson Review, The International Collection.
Dr. Harold Rodinsky, assistant professor of psychology, presented a paper on the “Effect of Video Enhanced Online Discussions on Quiz and Exam Scores” at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference in April in San Antonio.
Dr. Gary Keith, assistant professor of government and international affairs, attended the meeting of the Prelaw Advisors National Council in Philadelphia, including meeting with the Law School Admission Council in March. Keith also had his review of “The Texas Left” published in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly’s January issue.
Dr. Janice Dvorkin, associate professor of music therapy, was interviewed for the article “The Sound Effects of Music Therapy” in the March issue of San Antonio Magazine.
Dr. Stefanie Boswell, assistant professor of psychology, made four poster presentations at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association in April, including “Can Psychoeducation Change Undergraduates’ Beliefs about Mental Illness and Professional Counseling?”, “‘Old People Are Cranky’: Effect of Education About Aging on Ageist Beliefs,” “Effects of Psychoeducation on Pre-Helping Professionals’ Attitudes about Psychopathology and Psychotherapy,” and “Does Learning About Psychology Affect Students’ Empathy and Mindfulness?”
Dr. Amalia Mondriguez, professor of modern language, attended the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies Conference in March in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She also presented on the production of 15 radio programs for Huancane, Peru, a poor region of 100 villages in the country’s mountains.
Debbie Bussineau-King, professor of music, presided over the National Association of Teachers of Singing South Texas Chapter spring meeting and student auditions in April at UTSA. She stepped down after completing three years as president of the chapter.
Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, professor of religious studies, gave the Christian keynote presentation on the “Role of Women in Abrahamic Traditions” for an Institute of Interfaith Dialog Dinner at the new Raindrop Turkish Center in Corpus Christi in April. Kirk also received the Faculty of the Year Award for the 2010-11 academic year.
Dr. Lopita Nath, assistant professor of history, attended the Association for Asian Studies in Honolulu and presented “Blurry Boundaries, Changing Landscapes: Evolving Native-Migrant Relations in the Indian State of Assam.”