Yvette Paredes-Gonzales ’93 BA, ’00 M.Ed. and her husband, Desi, welcomed Jillian Grayce on Nov. 17.
Juliet (Gonzalez) Hernandez ’94 BS and her husband, Dr. Jaime Hernandez, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Joy, born Oct. 29.
Edward Francis Ryan ’02 BS and Erin Ryan are happy to announce the birth of their son Edward Shawn on April 13.
Jose M. Lozano ’05 MAA and his wife, Avelina, welcomed Jose Manuel III on Oct. 30.
Tiffany Freiger ’06 MBA and her husband, Jon Freiger, welcomed daughter Jocelyn Isolde on Dec. 3.
Rebecca Quigley-Williams ’07 BA, ’10 MAT, and her husband, Ricky Williams Jr., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Ricky Dean III, born Feb. 8.