We can’t wait to talk to you!
Thanks for taking the time to take our call. If we missed speaking with you, you can still make your gift to UIW.
Please call (210) 829-6013 or send it by mail to:
the Development Office
4301 Broadway CPO #317
San Antonio, Texas 78209.
You may also make gifts online at www.uiw.edu/giving.
Alumni, come home and celebrate!
Cleo Garza, president of the Alumni Association Board, accepted a commemorative football from Dr. Louis Agnese on behalf of the board and the entire association at the Homecoming Cardinal football game. Before the game, more than 200 alumni gathered at the alumni tailgating area for food, free beer, live music and games.
Find details about more alumni events at www.uiwalumni.org.
Get a job!
You entrusted UIW with your education, now let us help you find your next job. More than 30 employers will be visiting the university campus to speak with alumni and students about job opportunities. Bring copies of your résumé and dress professionally.
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thursday, March 4
Rosenberg Sky Room
4301 Broadway, San Antonio
For more information, call Connie Kuwamoto, director of UIW Career Services, at 829-3931.
What’s going on here?
Do you recognize the student in this photo? Give us a brief description of what you remember. Everyone who sends in the correct answer will be entered in a drawing to win a UIW blanket and coffee mug. The winner will be announced in the next issue of The Word. Be sure to include your name and address. Send your entries to:
Office of Public Relations – Word Contest
University of the Incarnate Word
4301 Broadway CPO 316, San Antonio, TX 78209